Group Request

Are you a group of 20 or more? Use the Form Below to send us information about your group. We only schedule groups between the days of Tuesday-Friday. We will be in touch after we receive your form!

  • Please note it may take up to two weeks for someone to be back in touch. There is no need to call the store. We do schedule all groups via email.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • For groups of over 30 people, we recommend an early tour around 9:30 or 10am especially if you plan to eat lunch.
  • We do not schedule groups for less than 20 people. You will book that through the site yourself. This form is for groups over 20 people only.
  • We do not schedule groups for less than 20 people. You will book that through the site yourself. This form is for groups over 20 people only.
  • ***If you click yes, you will be asked to preorder food for the group and pay in advance. We cannot take group food orders in the cafe the day of your tour. ***If you click no, please know that you will not be able to order food or milkshakes in the cafe the day of. Pre orders are REQUIRED for group tours. Thank you for understanding. We are a small cafe and have normal traffic to the cafe each day aside from the tour groups.